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Complete list of signals

The list of signals is a living document that we update on a regular basis. If you wish, download the list in one of the following formats:

6b6cf9fegeogoodacct_ad_ctry, bill_ad_ctryThe address listed on the customer's account matches the card billing address
a81740c4geobadacct_ad_ctry, bill_ad_ctryThe address listed on the customer's account mismatches the card billing address.
cee10e3cgeogoodacct_ad_ctry, bill_ad_ctry, acct_ad_city, bill_ad_cityLow risk of hiding address: The address listed on the customer account and the card billing address are located in the same city.
fc7438adgeogoodacct_ad_ctry, bill_ad_ctryLow risk of hiding address: The address listed on the customer account mismatches the card billing address but they are both located in the same country.
d9426d1dgeogoodacct_ad_line1, bill_ad_line1Low risk of hiding address: The first line of the customer account address matches the first line of the card billing address.
45d08d99userbadairticket_days_to_departureThe airline ticket was booked 3 or fewer days before departure.
b0124bd0transactionneutralairticket_electronic_ticketThe airline ticket was purchased electronically.
3f0b9eaeusergoodcust_first_name, cust_last_name, ship_ad_first_name, ship_ad_last_nameThe customer name matches the billing and shipping address name.
f7aa8f82usergoodcust_email, cust_first_name, cust_last_nameThe customer and cardholder name match the email username.
0cd68f17geogoodbill_ad_ctryBased on past trends, the billing address country does not belong to a known high-risk region.
6cefe5e6geobadbill_ad_cityThe billing address is in a big city (population > 500,000), where fraud rates tend to be higher.
ee277a4cgeogoodbill_ad_cityThe billing address is in a small city (population <10,000), where fraud rates tend to be lower.
7d2341b5geogoodbill_ad_ctry, bill_ad_city, ship_ad_ctry, ship_ad_cityThe billing address fully matches the shipping address.
b37d9dd1geobadbill_ad_ctry, ship_ad_ctryThe card billing address mismatches the shipping address.
ef6b0426geogoodbill_ad_ctry, bill_ad_city, ship_ad_ctry, ship_ad_cityThe billing address city mismatches the shipping address city but they are located in the same administrative area.
0a8af752geogoodbill_ad_ctry, bill_ad_city, ship_ad_ctry, ship_ad_cityThe billing address city and the shipping address city are in close proximity.
c75ba04dgeobadbill_ad_ctry, bill_ad_city, ship_ad_ctry, ship_ad_cityThe billing address city and the shipping address city are significantly far apart.
d6c9b553usergoodcust_first_name, cust_last_name, ship_ad_first_name, ship_ad_last_nameThe customer full name on the billing address matches the full name on the shipping address.
e59f14e3usergoodcust_last_name, ship_ad_last_name, bill_ad_last_nameThe last name on the billing address matches the last name on the shipping address but the first names mismatch.
ee5aa0f2userbadbill_ad_line1, ship_ad_line1The billing and shipping addresses are written in all caps, which deviates from typical user behaviour.
4177604euserbadbill_ad_line1, ship_ad_line1The billing and shipping addresses are written in all lowercase letters, which deviates from typical user behaviour.
66d7bd96geogoodbill_ad_ctry, bill_ad_city, ship_ad_ctry, ship_ad_cityLow risk of hiding address: The card billing address partially matches the shipping address.
7e54e88egeogoodship_ad_ctry, bill_ad_ctryThe shipping address country and the billing address country neighbor each other and they have similar GDP size per capita.
26c1bb40geobadship_ad_ctry, bill_ad_ctryThe shipping address country has a significantly lower GDP than the billing address country even though they neighbor each other.
e897de56usergoodcust_first_name, cust_last_name, ship_ad_first_name, ship_ad_last_name, bill_ad_ctry, bill_ad_city, ship_ad_ctry, ship_ad_cityLikely family name story: The billing address and the shipping address belong to the same country and the last name of the billing address matches the last name on the shipping address.
8d0996beusergoodcust_first_name, cust_last_name, ship_ad_first_name, ship_ad_last_name, bill_ad_ctry, bill_ad_city, ship_ad_ctry, ship_ad_cityLikely family name story: The billing address and the shipping address belong to the same country and the last name of the billing address matches the last name on the shipping address.
ee3b72ebgeobadship_ad_ctry, bill_ad_ctryThe shipping address country has a significantly lower GDP than billing address country even though they belong to the same geographic region.
99897bf9geogoodbill_ad_city, bill_ad_zipThe zip code provided by the user matches the billing address city.
583d1b2dgeobadbill_ad_city, bill_ad_zipThe zip code provided by the user does not match the billing address city.
3673031ffunding_sourcegoodbill_ad_ctry, bin_ctryThe billing address country matches the BIN country.
b7d58705funding_sourcebadbill_ad_ctry, bin_ctryThe billing address country does not match the BIN country.
f14b2d98funding_sourcebadbill_ad_ctry, bin_ctryThe billing address country and the BIN country have a significatly large GDP per capita difference.
e0d69af9funding_sourcebadbill_ad_ctry, bin_ctryThe billing address country neighbors the BIN country, however, they have a significantly large GDP per capita difference.
93ac6c23funding_sourcebadbill_ad_ctry, bin_ctryThe billing address country and the BIN country are located in the same region, however, they have a significantly large GDP per capita difference.
d0fd7ae9funding_sourcebadbill_ad_ctry, bin_ctryThe billing address country mismatches BIN country and the billing address country belongs to a known high-risk region connected to fraud trends.
2d3f0a62geobadbin_ctryThe customer is using a proxy internet connection to create an artificial match between the IP address and the BIN country.
33ab5258geobadbin_ctryThe customer appears to be located in a country that has a significantly lower GDP even though it neighbors the country in which the card was issued.
6c9b83d4funding_sourcebadcc_numA premium card was used for the transaction, which is more desirable to fraudsters.
21b1c415funding_sourcegoodcc_numA prepaid card was used for the transaction, which is considered a highly safe card category.
1809b256funding_sourcegoodcc_numA virtual credit card used for the transaction, which is considered a highly safe card category.
96dd64fdfunding_sourcegoodship_ad_ctry, bin_ctryThe shipping address country matches the BIN country.
0b86f9fcfunding_sourcebadship_ad_ctry, bin_ctryThe shipping address country does not match the BIN country.
fb412e9ffunding_sourcebadship_ad_ctry, bin_ctryThe shipping address country has a significantly lower GDP per capita compared to the BIN country.
428f3fe9userbadbill_ad_line1, bill_ad_line2The customer provided billing address that appears bogus.
43641cf6userbadbill_ad_line1, ship_ad_line1, bill_ad_line2, ship_ad_line2The customer provided addresses that appear bogus.
fd72d5a3userbadship_ad_line1, ship_ad_line2The customer provided shipping address that appears bogus.
fb377da0userbadcust_emailEmail username appears to be bogus.
d0cc1768userneutralcust_email, cust_first_name, cust_last_nameEmail username isn't indicative, which is common for Chinese email addresses.
905b1f6fuserbadcust_email, cust_first_name, cust_last_nameEmail username appears to be bogus.
05fc50feuserbadcust_first_nameThe customer's first name appears to be bogus.
6936e95auserbadcust_first_name, cust_last_nameThe customer's name appears to be bogus.
6e08f1b5userbadcust_last_nameThe customer's last name appears to be bogus.
a85b8341userbadphonePhone appears to be bogus.
23411282funding_sourcebadcc_exp_dtThe credit card expiry date is near.
05c254c5funding_sourcegoodcc_numCredit Card country doesn't appear to be attractive for fraudsters.
bad41d8cuserbadcust_first_name, cust_last_name, ship_ad_first_name, ship_ad_last_name, bill_ad_first_name, bill_ad_last_nameThe customer name matches the billing address name, but mismatches the shipping address name.
c8382f11userbadcust_first_name, cust_last_name, ship_ad_first_name, ship_ad_last_name, bill_ad_first_name, bill_ad_last_nameThe customer name matches the shipping address name, but mismatches the billing address name.
e5b3be7buserbadbill_ad_first_name, bill_ad_last_name, cust_first_name, cust_last_nameBilling name doesn't match customer's name.
d316c96cusergoodcust_first_name, cust_last_name, cc_first_name, cc_last_nameCustomer's name matches cardholder full or last name.
a994c6e1userbadcust_first_name, cust_last_name, cc_first_name, cc_last_nameCustomer's name is different than the cardholder name.
b733c4d0usergoodcust_email, cust_first_name, cust_last_name, ship_ad_first_name, ship_ad_last_nameThe customer and shipping address name match the email username.
88a69ba9userbadship_ad_first_name, ship_ad_last_name, cust_first_name, cust_last_nameShipping name doesn't match customer's name.
ed939c06userbadcust_email, cust_first_name, cust_last_name, ship_ad_first_name, ship_ad_last_nameNeither customer name nor shipping address name matches the email username.
89872dffgeogoodcust_email, bill_ad_ctryThe email's top-level domain contains a country code that matches the country of the card billing address.
20011848geobadcust_email, bill_ad_ctryThe email's top-level domain contains a country code that mismatches the country of the card billing address.
18c33fb5usergoodcust_email, cust_first_name, cust_last_nameCustomer's email is using a domain which resembles the customer's name.
560c0015geogoodcust_email, ship_ad_ctryThe email's top-level domain contains a country code that matches the country of the shipping address.
7fcd7922geobadcust_email, ship_ad_ctryThe email's top-level domain contains a country code that mismatches the country of the shipping address.
be029ed4usergoodcust_emailEmail address is somewhat controlled (business email).
5e92d4f7usergoodcust_emailEmail address is somewhat controlled (University email).
bbf780bfusergoodcust_emailEmail address is controlled (goverment/military).
b66f1fd4usergoodcust_emailEmail address is somewhat controlled (ISP provided email).
9711ad88userneutralcust_emailEmail address is of a free email provider.
a8c600e4userbadcust_emailBased on past fraud trends, the email domain has been identified as high-risk.
16a43a02userneutralcust_emailThe email address comes from a non-common email provider.
65c2a504userbadcust_emailEmail address is "disposable" (It's super easy to open an account with this domain).
1f8715dageogoodcust_email, bin_ctryThe email's top-level domain contains a country code that matches the country in which the card was issued.
bda53b6dgeobadcust_email, bin_ctryThe email's top-level domain contains a country code that mismatches the country in which the card was issued.
fcfc097cuserbadcust_emailEmail username contains digits, which might indicate serial opening of email accounts.
a554993auserneutralcust_email, cust_first_name, cust_last_nameEmail username contains digits, which is common for chinese email accounts.
f3472afduserbadcust_email, cust_first_name, cust_last_nameCustomer's email username contains a name that mismatches the customer's.
d7a116causergoodcust_email, cust_first_name, cust_last_nameThe customer's email username matches the buyer's name.
8f3efa77userbadcust_email, cust_first_name, cust_last_nameCustomer's email doesn't match buyer's name.
4b2cf8e9usergoodcust_email, ship_ad_first_name, ship_ad_last_nameThe customer's email username matches the shipping address name.
56c46c84userbadcust_email, ship_ad_first_name, ship_ad_last_nameThe customer's email username doesn't match the shipping address name.
3e2b0ba4transactionbadipThe transaction amount ({{trans_eur_amt}} EUR) is high compared to the IP country's GDP per capita.
3645f596transactiongoodipThe IP geo location is tagged as accurate, which could indicate a DSL connection.
ea393e87transactionneutralipThe IP geo location is tagged as inaccurate, perhaps due to the usage of a mobile IP.
65171929geogoodbill_ad_ctryThe IP address and the billing address are located in the same city.
9d396953geogoodbill_ad_ctryThe IP address and the billing address are located in the same country and in close proximity (within a 50 km radius).
e5d79894geogoodbill_ad_ctryThe IP address and the billing address are in close proximity (same or similar zip codes).
4aaf6684geogoodship_ad_ctry, bill_ad_ctryThe IP address, the billing address, and the shipping address are in relatively close proximity within the same country, less than 250 km apart.
e4278a6ageobadship_ad_ctry, bill_ad_ctryThe IP address, the billing address, and the shipping address are in the same country, but not in close proximity. There is an average distance of more than 1000 km between them.
2df07b79geogoodbill_ad_ctryThe IP address, the billing address, and the shipping address are located in the same city.
e222accbgeogoodship_ad_ctry, bill_ad_ctryThe IP address location, the billing address, and the shipping address are in close proximity, sharing the same or similar zip codes.
9d0f3744geobadship_ad_ctry, bill_ad_ctryThe IP address, the billing address, and the shipping address are located in different countries.
3efabbaageobadship_ad_ctry, bill_ad_ctryThe IP address, the billing address, and the shipping address are located in different countries, with an average distance of more than 2000 km between them.
899ade1cgeobadship_ad_ctry, bin_ctryThe shipping address country has a significantly lower GDP per capita compared to the IP and BIN country.
52488fadtransactionbadipThere's a time difference between the IP hour and the browser hour, which could indicate proxy usage.
d5ce9721transactiongoodipThere's no time difference between the IP hour and the browser hour, which indicates lower probability of using a proxy.
40695357usergoodipThis IP address appears to be controlled (corporate/business IP).
cadcdf1cusergoodipThis IP address appears to be a university IP, which is somewhat controlled.
fb1ccd41usergoodipThis IP address appears to be controlled (goverment/military IP).
8ad3d8dcuserbadipThis IP address was detected to be a proxy.
f3429009usergoodipThe IP address appears to be travel related (hotel, airport, or similar). This could be a good signal in the right context.
cbfaef30geogoodcust_emailThe email's top-level domain contains a country code that matches the country of the ip address.
9bc9b4aegeobadcust_emailThe email's top-level domain contains a country code that mismatches the country of the ip address.
9ca30efbtransactionbadipThe IP geo location comes from a country in which we've encountered a lot of fraud recently.
d6521162transactionbadipThe IP hour of the purchase is at night. This might indicate a usage of a proxy IP.
3b1a0d57transactiontechnicalipThe IP address is missing. It is difficult to detect fraud without this datapoint.
6f137a60geogoodship_ad_ctryThe IP address and the shipping address are located in the same city.
ff993b87geobadship_ad_ctryThe IP address and the shipping address are located in the same country but not in close proximity.
5c02ad56geogoodship_ad_ctryThe IP address and the shipping address are located in neighboring countries with similar GDPs per capita.
22a7fca0geogoodship_ad_ctryThe IP address and the shipping address are located in neighboring countries with similar GDPs per capita.
477670afgeogoodship_ad_ctryThe IP address and the shipping address are in close proximity (same or similar zip codes).
7bf40dc9transactionbadis_3ds_approvedThe card did not pass the 3-D Secure authentication.
64fd555dtransactionneutralis_3ds_approvedThe card partially passed 3-D Secure authentication.
05fea1a3transactiongoodis_3ds_approvedThe card fully passed 3-D Secure authentication.
5f586394sellertechnicalslr_ind, slr_ind_cat, slr_ind_mcc, seller_id, sub_sellerMerchant's industry wasn't provided. This can reduce the Engine's accuracy.
42c88b13sellerneutralslr_ind, slr_ind_cat, seller_id, sub_sellerUser is purchasing digital goods.
70925e88usertechnicalcust_email, cust_scndry_email, cust_first_name, cust_last_name, phoneCustomer details (email, name, phone) are missing. It is difficult to detect fraud without these details.
7fb64382usertechnicalcust_email, cust_scndry_emailCustomer's email is missing. It's difficult to detect fraud without the email address used for the purchase.
c092ddafusertechnicalcust_email, cust_scndry_email, cust_first_name, cust_last_nameCustomer details (email, name) are missing. It is difficult to detect fraud without these details.
eadd1eecusertechnicalcust_email, cust_scndry_email, phoneCustomer details (email, phone) are missing. It is difficult to detect fraud without these details.
4ec32864usertechnicalcust_first_name, cust_last_nameCustomer's name is missing. It's difficult to detect fraud without the name of the buyer.
3a32d49efunding_sourcetechnicalcc_num, cc_num_frg_token, cc_num_hashNo funding source (credit card or bank) was provided for this transaction. This reduces our engine's performance.
2f236b5afunding_sourcetechnicalcc_first_name, cc_last_name, cc_cardholderThe card holder name was not provided. This reduces our ability to verify legitimate credit card usage.
4d56bcd9usertechnicalphoneCustomer's phone is missing. It's difficult to detect fraud without the customer's phone number.
b05efb6buserbadcust_first_name, cust_last_name, bill_ad_line1, ship_ad_line1The writing format of the customer name is different from the writing format of one of the addresses.
1deb96c0geogoodphone, bin_ctryThe phone number provided by the customer comes from the same country as the card.
922bea02geobadphone, bin_ctryThe phone number provided by the customer comes from a different country than the card.
2b2dab80geogoodphoneThe phone number provided by the customer comes from the same country as the ip address.
583c5314geobadphoneThe phone number provided by the customer comes from a different country than the ip address.
bc9d0adbgeogoodphone, bill_ad_ctry, ship_ad_ctry, bin_ctryThe phone number matches all other country information available in the transaction (billing and shipping address, BIN country, ip address country).
61d18b63geogoodphone, bin_ctryThe phone number matches the ip address and the BIN country.
a7c62a75geogoodphone, bin_ctry, bill_ad_ctryThe phone number matches the ip address country, the billing address country and the BIN country.
a5ada3d3geobadphone, bill_ad_ctry, ship_ad_ctry, bin_ctryThe phone number mismatches all other country information available in the transaction (billing and shipping address, BIN country, ip address country).
2c94ffcageogoodphone, ship_ad_ctryThe phone number provided by the customer comes from the same country as the shipping address.
c07773aageobadphone, ship_ad_ctryThe phone number provided by the customer comes from a different country than the shipping address.
93dc0963userbadphonePhone number provided appears to be invalid.
2d700358sellertechnicalslr_crncy, slr_ctryMerchant's country and default currency were not provided. This can reduce the Engine's accuracy.
16143a57geogoodship_ad_ctryBased on past trends, the shipping address country does not belong to a known high-risk region.
11f4c44egeobadship_ad_ctryThe shipping address country belongs to a known high-risk region connected to fraud trends.
7d01e21dgeobadship_ad_cityThe shipping address is in a big city (population > 500,000) where fraud rates tend to be higher.
73490066geogoodship_ad_cityThe shipping address is in a small city (population < 10,000), where fraud rates tend to be lower.
4407ecc6geogoodship_ad_cityThe zip code provided by the user matches the shipping address city.
c579970cgeogoodship_ad_cityThe zip code provided by the user does not match the shipping address city.
95e8ac25transactionneutralThe customer's last login to their account was less than 30 days ago.
2834bf3btransactionneutralThe customer's last login to their account was less than 1 day ago.
f47d927btransactiongoodThe last login to the account was over 90 days ago. This indicates that the user is an old not very active customer.
e5068e1etransactionneutralThe customer's last login to their account was over 30 days ago.
0c5ccfd3transactionbadtrans_amtThe transaction amount is very high.
139b7f0etransactiongoodtrans_amtThe transaction amount is low for this seller.
68fec9betransactionbadtrans_amtThe transaction amount is high for this seller.
1e726fd4transactionbadtrans_amtThe transaction amount is high for this seller.
842205f2transactionbadtrans_amtThe transaction amount is high for this seller.
3ad3a298transactionbadtrans_amtThe transaction amount is slightly high for this seller.
001300aatransactionbadtrans_amtThe transaction amount is high for this seller.
e1fcb1c0transactionbadtrans_amtThe transaction amount is high for this seller.
12c8c6f5transactionbadtrans_amtThe transaction amount is high for this seller.
f19900f3transactionneutralbill_ad_last_name, bill_ad_first_name, ship_ad_first_name, ship_ad_last_name, cust_first_name, cust_last_name, cust_emailThe transaction is likely to be a test transaction.