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Issuer reason code

Refer to the following list for accepted values in the field issuer_reason_code. This field is available for sync status updates.

Body example

"CollectTransID3001200000000150000189": {
"status": "approved",
"ts": "2018-08-28T15:04:05Z",
"acq_ref_id": "120100-479105-61D2C749-57E9",
"issuer_reason_code": "000"
"CollectTransID3001200000000150000211": {
"status": "declined",
"ts": "2018-08-28T15:04:07Z",
"issuer_decline_reason": "Expired card",
"issuer_reason_code": "54"
001AMEXApproval with ID
002AMEXPartial Approval
003AMEXApproval VIP
101AMEXExpired card
103AMEXCID failed
105AMEXCard cancelled
107AMEXCall issuer
109AMEXInvalid merchant
110AMEXInvalid amount
111AMEXInvalid card
122AMEXInvalid CID
181AMEXInvalid feature
182AMEXTry later
188AMEXDeny - canceled
200AMEXPick up card
00VISAApproved and completed successfully
01VISARefer to card issuer
02VISARefer to card issuer, special condition
03VISAInvalid merchant
04VISAPick up card (no fraud)
05VISADo not honor
07VISAPick up card, special condition (fraud account)
10VISAPartial approval
11VISAApproved (V.I.P)
12VISAInvalid transaction
13VISAInvalid amount or currency conversion field overflow
14VISAInvalid account number (no such number)
15VISANo such issuer
19VISARe-enter transaction
21VISANo action taken
25VISAUnable to locate record in file
28VISAFile temporarily not available for update or inquiry
39VISANo credit account
41VISALost card, pick up (fraud account)
43VISAStolen card, pick up (fraud account)
51VISANot sufficient funds
52VISANo checking account
53VISANo savings account
54VISAExpired card or expiration date is missing
55VISAIncorrect PIN or PIN missing
57VISATransaction not permitted to cardholder
58VISATransaction not allowed at terminal
59VISASuspected fraud
61VISAExceeds approval amount limit
62VISARestricted card (card invalid in this region or country)
63VISASecurity violation (source is not correct issuer)
64VISATransaction does not fulfill AML requirement
65VISAExceeds withdrawal frequency limit
70VISAPIN data required
74VISADifferent value than that used for PIN encryption errors
75VISAAllowable number of PIN entry tries exceeded
76VISAUnsolicited reversal
78VISA“Blocked, first used”—Transaction from new cardholder, and card not properly unblocked
79VISAAlready reversed (by Switch)
80VISANo financial impact
81VISACryptographic error found in PIN
82VISANegative CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results
85VISANo reason to decline a request for address verification, CVV2 verification, or a credit voucher or merchandise return
86VISACannot verify PIN; for example, no PVV
89VISAIneligible to receive financial position information (GIV)
91VISAIssuer or switch inoperative and STIP not applicable or not available for this transaction; Time-out when no stand-in; POS Check Service: Destination unavailable; Credit Voucher and Merchandise Return Authorizations: V.I.P. sent the transaction to the issuer, but the issuer was unavailable.
92VISAFinancial institution or intermediate network facility cannot be found for routing (receiving institution ID is invalid)
93VISATransaction cannot be completed - violation of law
1AVISAAdditional customer authentication required
B1VISASurcharge amount not permitted on Visa cards or EBT food stamps (U.S. acquirers only)
B2VISASurcharge amount not supported by debit network issuer.
N3VISACash service not available
N4VISACash request exceeds issuer or approved limit
N5VISAIneligible for resubmission
N7VISADecline for CVV2 failure
N8VISATransaction amount exceeds preauthorized approval amount
P5VISADenied PIN unblock—PIN change or unblock request declined by issuer
P6VISADenied PIN change—requested PIN unsafe
Q1VISACard Authentication failed
R0VISAStop Payment Order
R2VISATransaction does not qualify for Visa PIN
R3VISARevocation of all authorizations order
Z3VISAUnable to go online; offline-declined
00MastercardApproved or completed successfully
01MastercardRefer to card issuer
02MastercardRefer to card issuers special conditions
03MastercardInvalid merchant
05MastercardDo not honor
07MastercardPick-up card, special conditions
08MastercardHonor with identification
09MastercardRequest in progress
10MastercardApproved for partial amount
11MastercardApproved (VIP)
12MastercardInvalid transaction
13MastercardInvalid amount
14MastercardInvalid card number (no such number)
15MastercardNo such issuer
16MastercardApproved, update track 3
17MastercardCustomer cancellation, reversal (unsupported)
18MastercardCustomer dispute, chargeback (future)
19MastercardRe-enter transaction
20MastercardInvalid response
21MastercardNo action taken, reversal (unsupported)
22MastercardSuspected malfunction, reversal (unsupported)
23MastercardUnacceptable transaction fee
24MastercardFile update not supported by receiver (only in 03xx)
25MastercardUnable to locate record on file (only in 03xx)
26MastercardDuplicate file update record, no action (only in 03xx)
27MastercardFile update field edit error (only in 03xx)
28MastercardFile update record locked out (only in 03xx)
29MastercardFile update not successful, contact acquirer (only in 03xx)
30MastercardFormat error
31MastercardBank not supported by switch
32MastercardCompleted partially, reversal (unsupported)
33MastercardExpired card, pick-up
34MastercardSuspected fraud, pick-up
35MastercardCard acceptor contact acquirer, pick-up
36MastercardRestricted card, pick-up
37MastercardCard acceptor call acquirer security, pick-up
38MastercardAllowable PIN tries exceeded, pick-up
39MastercardNo credit account
40MastercardRequested function not supported
41MastercardLost card, pick-up
42MastercardNo universal account
43MastercardStolen card, pick-up
44MastercardNo investment account
45MastercardReserved for ISO use
46MastercardReserved for ISO use
47MastercardReserved for ISO use
48MastercardReserved for ISO use
49MastercardReserved for ISO use
50MastercardReserved for ISO use
51MastercardInsufficient funds
52MastercardNo checking account
53MastercardNo savings account
54MastercardExpired card
55MastercardIncorrect PIN
56MastercardNo card record
57MastercardTransaction not permitted to cardholder
58MastercardTransaction not permitted to terminal (may also be a chargeback)
59MastercardSuspected fraud
60MastercardCard acceptor contact acquirer
61MastercardExceeds withdrawal amount limit
62MastercardRestricted card
63MastercardSecurity violation (may also be a chargeback)
64MastercardOriginal amount incorrect, reversal (unsupported)
65MastercardExceeds withdrawal frequency limit
66MastercardCard acceptor call acquirer security
67MastercardHard capture, pick-up
68MastercardResponse received too late, reversal (unsupported)
69MastercardReserved for ISO
70MastercardReserved for ISO
71MastercardReserved for ISO
72MastercardReserved for ISO
73MastercardReserved for ISO
74MastercardReserved for ISO
75MastercardAllowable number of PIN tries exceeded
76MastercardKey synchronization error
77MastercardReserved for private use
78MastercardCustomer not eligible for POS (Star SM)
79MastercardInvalid digital signature
80MastercardStale dated transaction (Star SM)
81MastercardIssuer requested standin
82MastercardCount exceeds limit (VISANet)
83MastercardReserved for private use
84MastercardTime limit for pre-authorization reached (VISANet)
85MastercardIssuer has no reason to decline the transaction (Account Verification)
86MastercardCannot verify PIN (VISANet)
87MastercardCheck already posted
88MastercardInformation not on file
89MastercardCard verification value (CVV) verification failed (no pickup)
90MastercardCutoff is in progress
91MastercardIssuer or switch is inoperative
92MastercardFinancial institution or intermediate network unknown for routing
93MastercardTransaction cannot be completed, violation of law
94MastercardDuplication transaction
95MastercardReconcile error
96MastercardSystem malfunction
97MastercardReserved for national use
98MastercardReserved for national use
99MastercardCard network fault error
0Z-9ZMastercardReserved for ISO use
C2-E0MastercardReserved for national use (X9.2)
EZ-MZMastercardReserved for national use (X9.2)
N0MastercardAuthorization life cycle unacceptable
N1MastercardAuthorization life cycle expired
N2MastercardNon-receipt of requested item (future)
N3MastercardNon-receipt of requested item, illegible copy (future)
N4MastercardTransaction exceeds floor limit (future)
N5MastercardDeclined authorization (future)
N6MastercardNon-matching account numbers (future)
N7MastercardError in addition (future)
N8MastercardAltered amount (future)
N9MastercardIncorrect account number (future)
P0MastercardMissing signature (future)
P1MastercardSlip without card imprint (future)
P2MastercardImprinting of multiple slips (future)
P3MastercardCancelled pre-authorization transaction (future)
P4MastercardDelinquent settlement (future)
P5MastercardCurrency conversion error (future)
P6MastercardCredit posted as a debit (sale) (future)
P7MastercardClaim or defense (future)
P8MastercardNon-receipt of goods (future)
P9MastercardDefective merchandise (future)
R0MastercardFraudulent transaction prior to embossed valid date (future)
R1MastercardCredit not received (future)
R2MastercardAllowable PAN entries warning – approved
R3MastercardApproved with overdraft protection
R4MastercardBad CVV3
S0MastercardCheck not acceptable for cash
S1MastercardCheck not acceptable
S2MastercardCheck deposit limit exceeded
S3MastercardCash back limit exceeded
S4MastercardCheck amount does not match courtesy amount
S5MastercardPIN not selected
S6MastercardPIN already selected
S7MastercardUnmatched voucher information
S8MastercardAllowable PAN entries exceeded – denial
S9MastercardExpiration date mismatch
SAMastercardInactive card
SBMastercardExpiration date mismatch (card pickup)
SCMastercardItem suspected for stop pay
SDMastercardAccount closed
SEMastercardIneligible account
SFMastercardItem submitted more than two times
SGMastercardNo account on file - absolute
SHMastercardUnable to locate
SIMastercardGeneral denial
SJMastercardItem settled via ACH
SKMastercardCross-reference card not found
SLMastercardCategory limit exceeded
SMMastercardTransaction limit exceeded
SNMastercardDaily limit exceeded
SOMastercardMonthly limit exceeded
SPMastercardInvalid secret code
SQMastercardPIN key sync error
SRMastercardBad CVV2
SSMastercardStop payment order
STMastercardRevocation of authorization order
SVMastercardStop reoccurring payments
T3MastercardLost card (no pickup)
T4MastercardClosed account
T5MastercardDormant account
T6MastercardSpecial conditions (no pick-up)
T7MastercardPurchase only approval for purchase with cash back transaction
T9MastercardInsufficient funds for fees
TAMastercardARQC validation failed for chip card
TBMastercardUnsafe PIN
U0-ZYMastercardReserved for private use