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API changelog

If we make backwards-incompatible changes to the Fraugster API, we release a new API version. We notify you in due time about the changes and support you with updating your integration.

We also document all non-versioned API changes in the sections below. To remain up-to-date on recent developments, please refer to this page regularly.

31 August 2022
  • We have enhanced the semantic grouping of the datapoints list, refining it to better align with the evolution of our product. We trust that the revised grouping will offer you a more intuitive and clear user experience.

  • In response to the modifications communicated in the June edition of the developer newsletter, we have made updates to the sync and async statuses. Notably, we introduced two new sync statuses: payment_pending and approved_recurring and added closed as a new async status. Furthermore, please note that the following statuses are no longer supported:

    • cg_approved
    • downtime
    • insufficient_funds
    • item_not_as_described
    • item_not_received
    • retrieval_request
    • timeout
  • We've introduced custom actions within rules. With this new feature, you can tailor your business processes and initiate specific actions on your end in response to custom action triggers. Ensure that your API integration is updated as soon as you define a custom action to ensure your application correctly interprets the API response. For more information, please refer to the Rule hits section.

16 August 2022
  • The pmt_method datapoint, as documented, is of the enum type and is designed to accept only a predefined set of values. Our monitoring has revealed instances where some clients are transmitting incorrect values for this datapoint. While these errors do not currently trigger a 400 API response, we still accept and process such data, while recording these cases in our system. However, incorrect values can pose challenges for rule creation and model training. Consequently, beginning on September 1, 2022, we will enforce specific values for pmt_method. We kindly request that you refer to the documentation and ensure that you are sending one of the supported values for this field, where applicable.

  • We added a new value to the datapoint pmt_method_brandmondu_installments.

28 April 2022
  • We have introduced a new field, 'issuer_reason_code,' that can be included in a sync status update. This field serves to indicate the reason behind the acquirer's decision to either decline or approve a credit card transaction. It is essential to note that 'issuer_reason_code' only accepts specific values. If you plan to include this field in your sync status update, please consult the complete list of accepted values. In the case of a declined transaction, it is mandatory to include at least one of the following fields: 'issuer_reason_code' or 'issuer_decline_reason,' but not both simultaneously. Further details can be found in the 'Sync status updates' section.
  • Sanctions lists checks now consider abbreviations and alternative spellings of address components. For example, you could send an address as 37 Berliner Str or 37 Berliner street or 37 Berliner st and they would all be treated as equivalent. Check the current list of abbreviations in Address abbreviations.
  • We created datapoints for two new business verticals – hotels and gaming. If your business belongs to one of these verticals, we encourage you to start using them to send data.
  • Following a few clarification requests, we improved the API reference for sync and async status updates. Important takeaway: a transaction update is a JSON object where each key is a unique transaction ID represented by trans_id, and the corresponding value is an object that represents the update. The value of trans_id must be identical to the one you sent for this transaction in your initial API request. If the values differ, we won't be able to connect the update with the actual transaction.
  • We added new async statuses for dispute resolution workflow. If the buyer opens a dispute for some reason, you can now account for it with a specific async status update. Check the new statuses in dispute resolution workflow.

31 January 2022
  • Information on signals and rule hits have been moved to another section of the API documentation. They are not considered opt-in features anymore, but rather a default part of the API response for specific Fraugster products.
  • Sync and async status updates received a significant architectural improvement. The field extra has been deprecated; all fields with additional information supporting the status updates can be sent in the JSON object directly. The update object looks cleaner now and easier to read. Please note: The new architecture is backward compatible. We made sure the new way of sending status updates is compatible with every existing integration.
  • Sync and async status updates now have a few new status values.
  • We added several new datapoints to the library, including vertical-specific datapoints. The available verticals include hotels, airlines, digital goods, and the buy-now-pay-later business model. Check the library to explore the new content.

30 September 2021
  • Fraugster offers a clever way to manage device ID fraud. You can either use your own device ID and send it to the Fraugster API in device_id, or you can opt in to use Fraugster device ID. It's represented by the hashed value of all device fingerprint datapoints concatenated with the Class B IP address. Read more about the requirements to start using this feature in Device ID at Fraugster.
  • Use the webhook tool to notify your application when an event happens in your Fraugster account. A successful integration allows you to receive event notifications so your application can automatically trigger specific actions. At the moment, you can use the webhook to get notified when a transaction has been manually reviewed and given a decision. Read more in Fraugster webhook.
  • Added several new values to the payment method brand pmt_method_brand.
  • Async status updates: there's now a new way to categorize transactions written off as a loss. If the status is debt_collection_loss, use loss_rsn_category to categorize transactions accordingly.

02 August 2021
  • We released a new opt-in feature - sanctions lists. If you opt in for it, you will receive the relevant information in the API response. Read more about this anti-money laundering risk management in Sanctions lists.
  • We updated the Signals list to include the signals added recently.
  • We added bnpl (buy now, pay later) to the possible values for the payment method brand pmt_method_brand.
  • We now specify the rule name in the API response which makes it easier to identify which rule was hit.
  • We improved a value name in the field liability_reason of the API response. The value whitelisted has become allow_list.

19 May 2021
  • We added a new async status dunning_fees. Use this status when you want to indicate that the merchant sent a message to the customer about a payment being due with dunning fees accrued. Requires trans_amt (the dunning fees amount) and trans_currency in extra.
  • We improved the description of the async status cancelled. Use this status when the merchant declines a transaction prior to the shipment.

10 May 2021
  • We made further improvements to the list of Fraugster datapoints. We added a new datapoint time_from_first_visit and improved time_to_purchase to make a clear distinction between the two.
  • We published the User guide alongside our API documentation. You can now access the User guide from your Fraugster account, as well as at The User guide contains extensive information around the Dashboard, transaction overview, rule creation, and much more.

1 April 2021
  • PSD2 exemptions: we added a new exemption type to the PSD2 field in the API response – corporate_payment. If you receive PSD2 exemptions as part of your API response, read more in PSD2 exemptions.
  • Datapoints:
    • We added a few new datapoints – acquirer_ctry, postnummer, packstation_id. Find the details in Complete list of datapoints.
    • The compete list of datapoints is now available for download in the Excel format.

11 March 2021

🎉 We released the online version of the Fraugster API reference.

The latest API Reference in PDF format you received (v2.63) will no longer be updated. All future changes to the API will be recorded in the API Reference online.